Sunday, November 7, 2010

depraved > deprived > deemed > redeemed

got a wake up call: the world is depraved.
i knew this.
but no, i'm not living like i know.
my prayers are filled with "major problems" that are really nuisances,
filled with praise and worship, yes, because He is good,
filled with requests that aren't heart-felt, in which passion is not fully there.

the world is depraved.(corrupt, rotten, immoral, wicked)
sin, corruption, hatred, lust.
lack of long-suffering, kindness, joy.
lack of hope, peace, goodness.
lack of self-control, faithfulness, and love.
what happened?
it's getting worse and worse, the sin is seeping down towards the youth.
the prince of the world is getting his way with the children.
the line between right and wrong has disappeared - wrong became right.

the world is deprived. (robbed, stripped, become poor)
our sin has stripped us the privileges of having God around.
our sin has robbed us of the birth right under God.
our sin has taken us from the Riches and made us poor.
we are dead. not alive - dead.
we have found our highs in alcohol, drugs, sex, lust, greed.
we're looking to anything that will give us that satisfaction, fulfillment;
something that will, perhaps, cure our insecurities and scars;
something that will, perhaps, dress us to look like we have everything, make us feel we have everything.
but once we sober up, we realize we have nothing. we were robbed.

the world, deemed. (consider, judge, regard)
Love considered us, regarded us as His beloved, still.
Love probably didn't take any time to think about it because the Answer was easy;
Love, if anything, took a moment to consider the wages of sin, death, in which the Answer came.

the world, redeemed. (rescued, ransomed, delivered, saved)
God showed His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans 5:8
we are no longer in debt with our lives,
we no longer have to pay for our sin and give our lives to Death.
all because Jesus paid for every. single. person.
can you believe it?
the love of God is so immense, that the sin Christ bore on the cross turned God's face away from His only Son.
God couldn't be with His beloved Son when he died because of our sin that covered Him from head to toe.


i've got to pray for the world
i've got to pray for the youth
i've got to pray for their salvation
that they will turn from their wicked ways
to the Son who bought us at a price.