Tuesday, September 22, 2009

criss, cross, apple sauce

But, if you go to school in Chinatown, it's -- Criss, cross, soy sauce!
(To sit Indian style on the rug)

I'm experiencing two extremes of behavior as I student teach. One school, no matter how much you yell, threat them with the yellow card, or give them time out, they will not listen, be quiet, or pay attention. At the other school, no matter how much you yell.. they will not speak up. It's so interesting across cultures to see the social norms that surface in school.

Two weeks ago, Thursday, was NYC's Fashion Night Out where many boutiques, malls, and brand name stores open up late at night, serving champagne, dessert, and other delicious snacks, just to kick off Fashion Week.

Here are a few pictures down Fifth Ave.
Real models eating pizza in the display case.

Free coffee and REALLY DELICIOUS CAKE at Tiff's!
(there were free iced tea, lollipops, and candy/choc, too!)


  1. WHOA!!!!!! amazing!
    and i love reading about your teaching experience.

  2. wait those look like eunhae's fingers
